Manifest of the Wind - exploring anarchic bodies

The wind is concrete and daily, while also fleeting and elusive. You cannot see the wind; it is only felt and visible in the changes in the landscape and ourselves. In modern cities, buildings are designed to shut out the wind. In their streets, schematic clock time rules our movements. Trying not to be late, we experience the nuisance of headwind. Clock time was first adopted in the city, where it is most helpful, filled with tasks to be performed efficiently. In nature, time is more layered. In Manifest of the Wind, three performers follow the wind's choreography: its pace, rhythm, structures and melody. The wind teaches them to see the world differently, and experience time differently. Not as the passing of minutes, hours and days but as a manifestation of constant changes. The performance re-imagines the body, organizing it as a space in which multiple energies, traits, memories and identities are fluidly bubbling up and disappearing.
Performers: Janne Bless, Teri-Dee Rubery, Raimonds Bushmills,

Clarinde Wesselink
Voice: Joost Schouten
Choir: Maartje Warmenhoven
Camera: Jim van Woensel
Editing: Riekje Ziengs
Sounddesign: Peter Oskam
Grading: Barend Onneweer
Re-touch: Thijme & Szafrańsk